Galleywoofers Pet Dog and Puppy Classes Spend some quality, uninterrupted time with your dog, whilst you learn useful exercises. Exercises which help you have a calm, happy and well behaved dog both inside and outside of the home.

Galleywoofers is a quality dog training club with over a decade of experience and we strive to be the best.

Small classes with an average of eight dogs only per class. Blocks of ten weekly classes at £169.   Every participant will receive a an email at the end of every class with a review of the class and tips including videos. This also means you can miss a class or two and still maintain your progress.

We train using reward based methods and there is no yanking or stamping.  No 'checking' of the leads because it's not necessary to force your companion to comply.  

Good behaviour = a good reward = more frequent good behaviour!  Learn and have a happy dog!

Regular day classes held during the day, every WEDNESDAY at GALLEYWOOD CRICKET & FOOTBALL CLUB, Slades Lane, Galleywood, CHELMSFORD, CM2 8RW. Wednesday mornings/afternoons.

Advanced Classes  

Regular Classes   

Puppy Classes .  

Outdoors & in a natural environment. Parking and toilet facilities.  Join 'The Galleywoofers' for training and a fun activity.

Next beginners/Puppy classes coming Jan 10th 2024. Places are limited.  Contact us for a place.

You can find recommended safe, quality classes from either of these two organisations.  Click on a register to find a club near you...

                 Click form for quick registration.  Please check availability first...          


Click <HERE> for Terms and Conditions                                                    

Click <HERE> for Map of location.  



A fun activity for you, an exciting and learning opportunity for your dog.  


What you get...

Topics covered... 

>  Get your dogs attention easily, when you want it, for recalls and avoiding distractions.  Automatic eye contact is taught for superb attention.  No 'watch me' needed!


>  For recalls and having the dog respond correctly to your first request, we teach the importance of your dog's name and how to install value into that all important word.

> A reliable vocal recall is taught as well as a back-up whistle recall using a gun dog whistle.  The whistle cuts through the 'white noise' of a park situation and can be far more reliable.  It is also non-specific meaning any member of the house can use it and get a good result. A good recall can also get your dog in from the garden!


>  Does your dog want to be with you?  Or over there, across the field? Galleywoofers is a fun activity where you learn how to bond with your dog so he does want to be with you.  Training together and learning how to play can be necessary for both dog and owner.

>  We use whatever motivates your dog.  Toys, attention and your dog's food.


>  Sitting when visitors arrive.  Sitting at curbs before crossing the road.  Sitting in one place as you walk off and check the path ahead.  These are possible.  Real life lessons are taught and in a fun way.


>  Use your dog’s natural talents and instincts. If these instincts are put to use, your dog will be fore-filled and content quicker than walking your dog around the block. Scent work is taught in a fun way to help make you and your dog a team.  Every dog can do it.  Don’t waste it!


>  Stop your dog pulling you to the park.  We teach loose lead walking in an effective and friendly manor. . Have you dog trotting along wagging his tail on a loose lead.  It is possible.


>  Teach your dog to leave articles such as old food, twigs, stones, carcasses and dropped sweets with a positive ‘LEAVE’ exercise.  We teach it in a way that the dog complies because he wants to, rather than being forced to.

 * Tea and Coffee and a chat after class

*    Easy to learn exercises to take home and use

*   Post-Class Emails sent out with a review, tips and seasonal advice

*    Real life lessons for your pet dog

*  Galleywoofers Dog Training Club has been running every Wednesday for over three years!

*    Weekly Email recaps including explanations, video clips and tips. Helps you learn the science behind dog training

*    A  discount for any 1-2-1 behaviour or training consultations with Tc Dog Training

*    An average of 8 dogs per class to maintain quality instructing and to ensure you get the attention you deserve

*   A knowledgeable, qualified and friendly assistant to help you whilst the class is instructed

* A relaxed tea or coffee, a chat and recap after class

*   Your dog learns to learn in the presence of others

*   You will learn to be a smart dog owner and understand why and how

Superb Safe Environment